From Struggles to Triumph: My Journey with Acne
Why did I get into this business? Honestly, there are so many factors that led up to where I am today, but this is the story of where it all started! The interest in esthetics all began when I was 12 years old. You know, that time of your life when things start changing. It's awkward and weird and on top of all this, now you have to live with a full face of acne. THE WORST! I mean not only physically, but emotionally brutal. Especially for a preteen.
Thankfully my grandmother was/is a skincare guru! She has the skin of an angel, literally. (laughing face) Unfortunately, I didn't inherit her skin (Thanks Dad). Moving grandmother started taking me to see an esthetician and let me tell you, it helped my skin SO much! I started an at home skincare routine (as best as a 12 year old could). This was a whole new responsibility for a pre teen. It wasn't my favorite part of the day and sometimes it was like pulling teeth. BUT, I did my best!
I also went in for monthly facials and extractions. At that time I remember my grandmother coming into the room with me because I was too nervous to do it alone. She was always so surprised at how much "gunk" would come out of my skin during extractions. As some of you know, extractions are not the fun part of a facial, but definitely necessary and ALWAYS satisfying. Not to long after that, Chemical Peels became a huge part of my regular facial routine.
I don't know how I did this, but I was committed. I mean, these were the STRONG chemical peels. The ones that would literally make your face peel off for a week. Can you imagine being a preteen and going to class with half your face peeling off? NO! It's mortifying to even think back on this. I remember one day I came home from school and my dad asked me if any of the kids picked on me because of my face. Thankfully, I was honestly able to tell him no.
I think the reason why is because I was a super quite kid in school. I did my work and spoke when I was spoken to. Maybe this was my saving grace. I didn't want to have any unnecessary attention drawn to me. So, if the kids did make fun of me, I didn't know it. Thank goodness they kept it to themselves because that would have wrecked me 1000% more.
A couple years later I remember walking down the hallway at junior high and one of my classmates stopped me. She noticed how great my skin had been looking and she wanted to let me know. This was definitely a boost! Not to mention how sweet it was for a young girl to take her time to stop, notice and acknowledge something like that. This made a huge impression on me and I obviously still remember it to this day. I have never thought of this, but I need to reach out to her and let her know the impact she had on me.
Are you still with me? I know this was long winded. The emotional and physical trauma of acne lasted for about 15 years. HALF of my lifetime and I have so much knowledge to share about this journey. The impact that this industry had on me at such a young age is why I'm here and one of the reasons I opened up DRBW.